TSGS – TopoCrew Survey GIS System
GIS has become a more significant part of civil engineering workflows, and we have adapted to this trend: in the past year, we implemented GIS into our CAD workflow, which we call TSGS—TopoCrew Survey GIS System. This system enables us to work in a GIS-based environment while delivering the same trusted quality to our partners.

1. Fig. - Vectors with the images captured by the Trimble MX90 system
The main benefits of our new approach are:
· Effectiveness: We can process larger chunks of point cloud data using this approach.
· Future-proofing: We don't have to significantly adjust our workflow when clients switch from CAD to GIS or need a combined solution.
· Automation: GIS-based approaches can be automated much better than CAD ones.
· Databases: If needed, we can deliver vectors straight from point clouds to databases.
Sounds promising. Upon reading this, you might have questions such as:
How does it affect the surveyors on site or the engineers in the office?
Changing a workflow within a company always aims to reduce costs or increase the organization's effectiveness. In our case, both goals are accomplished. The site team is not affected by this change in technology; they perform the field survey as usual. The office team uses a tool to extract information from the point cloud, and we found the best one. It fits our needs, is cheaper than the most common tools in the field, and works in a GIS-based environment. By combining our workflow's unique approach with our team's experience, we elevated our production to a higher level.

2. Fig. - Vast amount of data collected in a complex junction
Doesn't this switch require a more considerable investment?
After inspecting the 'point cloud processing tool' market, we passed this test with flying colors: the switching cost was just a fraction compared to other major COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) software for the same purpose. This decision helped us avoid price increases for our services. We commonly say, 'It's not that there is no answer; we just need to look longer.' We looked long enough to find the best tools and workflows, and it was done without considerable investments.
Do Clients need this at all?
Sure thing, they might not be aware of this. Using GIS allows our users to store all their vector data in a database, which opens many opportunities, such as publishing the data in a WebGIS environment where internal or public users can quickly access the needed information. Storing data in a database eliminates the need to store data in separate CAD files; everything stays in one place, can be backed up, all actions can be logged, and querying the data and answering geometry-related questions becomes easier than ever. We encourage our clients to explore the opportunities in GIS and eliminate the separate systems, as some data is currently stored in CAD files while other data is stored in a database. We can help our partners build a bridge between the two worlds.
The transition between GIS and CAD makes things more complicated. Is it worth it?
Absolutely! In our understanding, the geometry is the same in both worlds, but the possibilities are much more extensive in GIS, as an element can have more attributes than in CAD. Imagine this: you have a street furniture database. In CAD, you can occasionally have blocks with attributes or polylines, points, or 3D objects. These CAD objects for street furniture can store only a limited amount of information, and querying becomes more complex if you inspect large areas, such as a whole district.
On the other hand, if you have a database of these objects in a district, you can store as many attributes as needed: geometry dimensions, maintenance comments and dates, which user modified the record, when it was modified, who shall maintain the object, what the street furniture type is, what the condition is, and even assign a CAD representation inside the database. The possibilities are endless, and it’s much more manageable - even for an office administrator - to perform queries. We are prepared to extract additional information from the point clouds to help you establish this database based on existing or surveyed data!
Why do surveyors or civil engineering firms need the GIS if the CAD approach worked fine so far?
Development is always necessary; we no longer use paper and rulers to work on our drawings, and we moved past measuring tapes long ago in favor of shiny and smart total stations. Our company always tries to keep up with the market, which must also apply to other businesses and governmental organizations. Laser scanning is a prime example of everyone wanting to achieve more with less. We strive to get the most out of this technology, and as we understand its potential, it can benefit our partners, other businesses, and governmental agencies. We know this can be daunting, and bureaucratic processes can delay these advancements, but sooner or later, GIS will take over wholly or partly in the surveying field, and we will be there to help you with this!

3. Fig. - The TSGS specification, describing the concepts of the GIS approach
We've answered questions that might have popped into your mind, but we have yet to discuss TSGS. What is TSGS, anyway?
As mentioned, we transitioned from CAD-based extraction of point clouds to a GIS-based approach. We now utilize SHP files instead of DWG/DXF files and store element attributes in records. SHP files can accommodate numerous attributes, including CAD-related properties such as layer, color, and line type. Upon request, we can expand this system with additional attributes. This enables us to consolidate all vectors into a centralized database, where we can visualize them in a web map, publish data, and showcase our work to clients.
For this approach, we established several templates derived from our original CAD workflow. These templates automatically populate attributes based on the selected template. To facilitate our office team's transition, the templates were designed to resemble the CAD commands they were already familiar with, making the learning process seamless.
We developed internal documentation detailing the extraction process for each element in London, precisely outlining the procedures. Additionally, we created a newcomer's guide that explains the tools required to extract objects using our GIS-based approach.

4. Fig. - The TSGS specification, describing the extraction rules for each objects in London
These SHP files can be directly loaded into a central database where we store all our data. This is particularly useful when providing a quote to our clients, as we can instantly check if we have measured the target area before or if we can utilize a reference point from an earlier survey.
Let's consider an example of how this approach can benefit our clients: If someone wants to establish a GIS system, we can provide them with database content thanks to TSGS. For instance, if the data includes additional information such as the public lamp column inventory ID visible on the pole facing the road, we can utilize our scanned images and store this information as an additional attribute. This doesn't require different survey methods or additional time on site; the office team can spend an extra five seconds per pole, and this information will be integrated into the delivery files. Consequently, the client won't need to personally visit the site, nor will the office administrator have to search for inventory IDs in Google Street View.
Let's present a notable example: our company participated in an MLS survey for the A20 motorway refurbishment planning. Our client needed only geometric information for his project, but there is a vast amount of information that was not extracted from the point cloud, but could be stored in a database for future use. Here is an example image from our extraction:
We can store the following attributes during the extraction:
- Guard rail height, guard rail type (single line, double line, triple line, single sided, double sided) and material
- Traffic sign height and facing in 3D (using orientation matrix), traffic sign TSRGD code, traffic sign visibility conditions
- Road condition related information such (cracks and deformations)
- Road marking conditions, colour, width, type
- Average height of bush areas and maintenance requirements
This is just a small example based on the sample image, but these attributes can be extracted during our workflow and stored in a database for the benefit of our clients. It’s just one instance; we could name dozens of use cases.
We continue to enhance our GIS capabilities with automation, reducing office finalization time and enabling us to deliver web-based maps or renders to our clients. The future is here, and we won't miss our chance to embrace it! Join us and explore the true capabilities of your data!